Prem Sathiamoorthy: Scholarships and Support at St Cat’s
Prem receiving the GradReady Principals Scholarship from St Catherine’s Alumni Rachel Ang.
St Catherine’s Resident Prem Sathiamoorthy is studying a Bachelor of Biomedical Science and was recently awarded the GradReady Principals Scholarship. As a St Cat’s resident, if you wish to study medicine, you are eligible to apply for a scholarship to undertake the GradReady GAMSAT Preparation Course free of charge upon successful application.
Read on for some of Prem’s advice for aspiring medicine students!
What made you decide to pursue medicine?
My grandfather was a huge inspiration to me. He is an orthopaedic surgeon and always treated everyone who came to his clinic regardless of whether they could afford his fees. He was passionate about helping others and serving the community and instilled that passion in me as well from a young age.
What goals do you have for the next few years?
My current goal is to get into postgraduate Medicine, preferably in Perth but would be happy to get in anywhere. Study hard, finish my degree and explore which specialties I might be interested to pursue in the future.
Any tips for younger students on studying medicine and applying for scholarships?
It's a hard road even to get into medicine. Make sure you are truly passionate about it for the right reasons and surround yourself with a good support system so that even if you lose sight of your goal for a bit or stumble along the way, they are there to help you up and celebrate your success at the end.
Prem will also be taking on the role of Tutorial RA at St Catherine’s College this year. This role facilitates the running of our Academic tutorial program, which runs over 150 different tutorials across many different subjects. Our residents are able to access tutorials for free as students and they can also apply to be paid tutors for units they received high marks in.
Click below to learn more about the Academic Program on offer at St Catherine’s.